Goodness me............I have not written a blog since February!
So much to tell but I will write seprate blogs so as not to bore everyone and try and keep them brief, so where shall I start....
Why not with my trip to the UK at the begining of March!
I have been planning to return to the UK with my French friend Nathalie and her daughter for a while but either due to work commitments or financial constraints it has not happened. However, on 5th March we finally made a trip for 5 days to take in as many sights as possible, and boy did we cram them in!
As I have travelled extensively, I found it strange that Nathalie was enthralled by the sight of the clouds below the aircraft wing at 30,000ft and the moving walkways at Gatwick when we arrived on British soil. Fortunately, the public transport system didnt let us down and we arrived at my dad's for good old British Fish and Chips around 8pm.
Up early the next morning, depite the cold weather, to do a quick trip around our local pretty villages taking in Kate Middletons family home and local pub and then off to Salisbury and Stonehenge.
The weather for the time of year despite only 5 degrees was fantastic, blue skies from edge to edge and fantastic sunshine, almost unheard off for the UK in March, someone must have known we were coming!
Salisbury Cathedral as always, was amazing and boasts the tallest church spire in the UK. It can be seen for miles around and you can even pay to walk up on the inside to see Salisbury from a birds eye view, no time on this visit, but next time perhaps.
After lunch in a cute cafe we headed off on the short car ride away to Stonehenge, well it would have been short if all the roads were not being dug up and we had been sent on a bizare diversion! As we came over the hill on the A303 the Henge came into view and all in the car were excited. The public entrance is dissapointing for such an important world heritage site but the entrance fee was not extortionate so we opted for the multilingual handset guided tour. Even after a number of visits over the years I learnt more about the monument this time than I thought possible, perhaps I was in a different mindset previously!
For an hour we listened and looked in awe at the huge stones and finally left after taking copious amounts of photographs. We headed home via Marlborough, which has one of the widest high Streets in the UK and is on the A4 between Bath and London for tea in an "italian restaurant!"
Next installment Bath!
This will give more than the handset..promise!