Well, I think I have just died and gone to heaven!
After the trauma of giving my lovely horse away before moving to France, due to the fact that he suffered from a photophobic headshaking condition and it would have been cruel to move him to France , I had been suffering from withdrawal symptons and needed a horse fix!
Initially, I enjoyed the fact that after 16 years of tirelessly mucking out and feeding in all weathers I didnt have to think about that any more. However, going to see a new friend I had made recently, who concidentally had two lovely horses and after visisting riding stables with Abigail last weekend and I felt the need to be amongst them again.
There is something so theraputic about being with horses and when I am with them, even just grooming, I am in another place!
Yesterday, I was asked to go and ride............I frantically rummaged through the many boxes still unpacked after the move to find my jodphurs, riding boots and hat and had a huge feeling of excitement wash over me as I found each item, how sad am I!
I arrived to tack up at 2.15pm and the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky and the horses looked stunning. Both horses are dressage horses, beautifully schooled and between 15-16hh. My friend and I found the mounting block and set off for a wonder around the Tarn et Garonne countryside. How good it felt to be back in the saddle, walking round the peaceful country lanes and having a good old chat. We were out for about an hour and didn't see a car for the whole ride. So different to the UK.
On returning to the stables we untacked, washed the horses down and gave them an apple each!!
I said my good byes, to my friend and the horses and am eagerly waiting for the next opportunity to partake in my passion!
Horseback riding is very fun and relaxing, but if it is not done correctly, it can be very dangerous not only to yourself, but also to your horse. There are several things to remember to ensure that you not only have a safe ride, but a fun one.
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