Since we moved here, I have as you are probably aware, been having horse withdrawal symptoms and miss my horse desparately. All this horse talk has got my daughter Abigail keen again and although she had her own pony in the UK I never really had enough time to spend with her to ride it. Here, I have the time but not the will or the funds to go down that route again for a while at least. So the next best thing was to enrol her at the local pony club/riding school where each child not only gets an hours lesson but also taught how to brush, tack up and learn parts of the horse. Each term is ended by a test which is a recognised level of horsemanship in France.
This Wednesday was her second lesson and with only 6 in the class in a nice indoor school she is able to gain the confidence and knowledge needed to ride properly. However, over confidence is a bit of a problem and unfortunately, she took a tumble and ended up on the floor. She put a brave face on it got straight back up on the pony and carried on, I was so proud of her.
Lesson learnt and back next week for lesson three.
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