Sunday 23 May 2010

Integrating into a new community

Its official, we've integrated!(well I have)I had my first inviation to a girly evening out tonight and have just returned from a lovely multicultural evening at my friend lucy's house in Auvillar.

I felt excited to have been asked and now truly feel that we are becoming part Auvillar life. There was Natalie from France, me from the UK, Lucy from Belgium, a lady from Italy and another from Denmark.

Lucy had prepared a a bbq with kebabs and Toulouse sausage, someone else had prepared a quiche, and another ratouille, whilst my friend Natalie had made strawberry sorbet with her new ice cream machinea and bought along a bowl of freshly picked cherries from her tree. I made ginger biscuits and all was washed down with plenty of alcohol!

The evening was made better witout men and kids in tow!! (sorry, but us girlies need some time to ourselves on occasions to have a moan and winge and talk girl talk).

I have just arrived home rather merry to be told Nick my husband has just caught his first Mole - yippee! lets hope we get all the little buggers before the end of the summer!

Night night, I know I will sleep well tonight, wonder why!

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